Friday, August 6, 2010


It's friday already. It's friday before I even realise ==" Another week is over. Wake up early in the morning, FLU. It never leaves me. Zzzzz. Wake up, eat medicine. Look at my niece still sleeping, went back to sleep a while more. The flu medicine really makes me drowsy. I hate it.

yay~ Another nicer picture of my fruit cake =D *yummy*

And my love for McDonald's ice cream =D I love ice cream too much T_____T

Yums~ Too bad melt already, my brother bought it from airport before he leave to KL last nite.

For lunch today, i love lui cha! But i only like to eat lui cha at this one particular place where sell lui cha at Green Road there. Really famous around in Kuching. Since my dad stopped by there and ate lunch with his friends. He tapau lui cha for me =D *yummy* I miss lui cha. But the portion so big ==" Zzzz.. Anyways, i'm still lovin' it.

Today, i babysit my niece whole day. Not really whole day as in minus my drowsy sleep and fall asleep while playing with her, dunno why feel so tired eh. But, she woke me up a few minutes after i doze off. Today, so boring, no choice but to help my mom to look after. Tired.

Nite nite~

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